The Greatest Gift

The air is getting colder, trees are starting to become bare, and darkness comes sooner each day. What does this mean? It means winter is approaching. But not only that, it means Christmas is coming soon. This is the time of year people check their shopping lists to make sure they have the best gift for each person. A lot of money is spent trying to find the greatest gift. People will go to store after store searching for that one gift. They might even stress about it.
I want to remind everyone that the greatest gift can’t be found in the toy store. It can’t be found in the electronic store, or even online. The greatest gift can’t even be bought. The greatest gift, has already been given, and without this gift, we wouldn’t even have a reason to celebrate Christmas.
I want to take you to a lowly manger, where the Greatest Gift was given to mankind. God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. He was born to die. It’s hard to even comprehend how God could send His sinless, precious Son into a world full of sin. One word sums it up—love.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
God’s love was so enormously great, that He gave the world, the greatest gift ever. No one’s gift can ever compare to the gift God gave us.
To me, the manger and the cross go hand in hand. The manger was where God’s Son was born. The cross was where the Son’s love for mankind shines forth. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world. He died for my sin. He offers the free gift of salvation to all who will receive it. Salvation is a gift not of works. You can’t buy salvation; you have to receive it by faith. The sad thing is, many people won’t receive God’s free gift of salvation.
This Christmas season, let’s remember the real Reason for this season. It’s not about the decorations, food, or even gifts. It’s about God’s priceless gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, Who offers us salvation—and through salvation, a changed life and a guarantee of our future home in Heaven.
So, when you gather around with family this Christmas, remember to tell them the Christmas story, of the little baby, born in a lowly manger, Who changed the world, and still today, changes lives.
Hi, my name is Jessica. I am married to a wonderful husband and we have six children, 1 girl and 5 boys. God has blessed my life. He is too good to me. I try to juggle homeschooling, housework, and writing. I have self-published a couple of books. You can follow me on my Facebook page.