Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day is on April 12th each year. You might ask, “Why?” Do we need a reason to make a day special? Nah!
So let’s talk about how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich.
You might think that sounds silly. However, I’ll share with you now that I am a semi-professional grilled cheese sandwich maker! I am very active in our local county fair. Our county fair has a food booth called The Cheese Booth, and I volunteer there every year. What can you buy at The Cheese Booth? Why, grilled cheese sandwiches, of course!
I am well trained in the craft of grilled cheese sandwiches. We make them by the thousands each year. We make them by trays of 75 sandwiches each, which we store in the cooler until needed. So how, you may ask, does one make a perfect grilled cheese sandwich?
We start with sliced cheddar cheese. If you make a sandwich with processed cheese, your kids will eat it, but it is not truly a grilled cheese sandwich. The second important element is butter or margarine that has been softened at room temperature. The sandwiches at The Cheese Booth are made with margarine, but my family prefers grilled cheese sandwiches to be made with butter.
Next, you need sliced bread. The best sandwich is made from nice fresh bread that is not crushed or misshapen. The Cheese Booth uses white bread. In my home, we use split-topped wheat bread. The important thing to remember is to spread the butter on one side of the slice of bread, all the way to the edge of each slice, making sure the butter completely covers the bread. Then use the knife to scrape off any excess butter – the bread will not turn golden if there is too much butter.
Compile the sandwich with the butter-side out, with a slice of cheddar cheese between two slices of bread. Preheat the pan to medium-high, then turn it down to medium and place the sandwich into the pan. Cook side one until the cheese has softened, about 1½ minutes – do not let it burn. Cook side 2 another 90 seconds. Cut sandwich in half before serving.
I strongly recommend you teach your older kids how to make these sandwiches. In The Cheese Booth it amazes me each year when teen-aged volunteers come in, not knowing how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, or try to put the butter side in, or butter both sides of the bread. I think knowing how to make a grilled cheese sandwich should be a basic requirement to graduate high school. Just sayin’…
Diana Malament homeschooled three children over a span of 27 years. She homeschooled with financial limitations, and when times were less difficult. She has homeschooled through many good times and many challenging times. Diana hopes to encourage you on your homeschool journey.
Great recipe, Diana! Thanks for sharing, I am now going to add this as a “class” before my son graduates.