Here is How to Homeschool on a Budget with Ease

Learn quickly how to homeschool on a budget by implementing these homeschooling ideas into your homeschool routine. Just like a college degree can be achieved for an insane amount of money or at an extremely affordable rate, a homeschool diploma can be attained inexpensively, or it can cost a pretty penny. It all depends on how you approach it. Here are seven ways to homeschool on a budget with ease!
- Follow homeschool bloggers
Take it from those who have been there. Take it from the moms who have spent thousands of dollars their first year of homeschooling only to switch curriculum a few months in. You can certainly spend a large amount of money on homeschooling materials, but you don’t have to. These moms will help steer you in the right direction. Be sure to follow homeschool bloggers who have curriculum reviews on their site. Even try the homeschool bloggers with video reviews about why they do or do not like a specific curriculum. Even better, find out from these homeschool moms about the different methodologies of homeschooling because there are many different approaches out there, including free or almost free ways to homeschool. It just takes a little research and reading to find out how this is possible!
- Use what you already have
Print out a scope and sequence chart and find out what your child needs to learn for the upcoming year. If your child is in first grade and needs to learn her primary colors, see what you have around the house to help with this skill. If your second grader should know how to present an oral report, use a book from your local library on a topic that interests him. As you read through the list, you will begin to see what you already have on hand and what you will need to outsource.
- Buy used
Once you know what you need, make a list. Go to used curriculum sales that local homeschooling groups often have both in person or in a Facebook group. Search eBay. Try your local Craigslist ads. You might even find what you are looking for on Amazon. Sometimes you will find what you need at a local thrift store. Although many companies have sales throughout the year, buying used is an excellent option because many homeschooling families sell what they don’t like, what they don’t complete, or what they do complete but keep in pristine condition for the purpose of making a quick buck!
- Use affordable online options
Almost every subject that you can dream up can be found online. Some courses will cost more than others. If you are looking to pay one price for a curriculum option for your entire family, then you can get a membership to for an incredibly low price. They offer over 400 courses that you can pick and choose from depending on your needs.
- Use free resources online
Once you know what your child needs to learn for the year, you can find a majority of materials online at absolutely no cost to you. If you visit Ambleside Online you will find links to books that you might be looking for that are found for free on the Internet. They also have courses laid out for free that you could use if, after researching which homeschooling approach you want to take, you decide to go with the Charlotte Mason approach.
- Use your local library
If you have a library card to your local library, then you most likely have access to their online catalog. While looking for used books to purchase online, have a second tab open on your computer that takes you to your library’s catalog. Type in the book into the catalog first, and if they have it, either place it on hold so they will have it ready for you to pick up or make a note that they have it if you don’t need it right away.
- Sign up for your state support group or become a member of HSLDA and receive a discount card. Although you will spend money upfront and possibly annually, many parents find that the benefits are worth it. I know that I do. With my card, I am able to take my family swimming at our local lake at no cost to us. We save over $100 a year for this benefit alone, and this is only one of many places that accepts a teacher’s card. Most places that give a teacher’s discount allow you to use your home educator’s card for the same price.
Homeschooling does not need to be expensive, and with these suggestions, you will be well on your way to homeschooling on a budget. How have you saved a penny or two in your own homeschooling journey?