He’s Quite a Character!

We often hear this said about a person who says and does things we don’t expect or who are a bit quirky. These types of people make for great characters in fiction. So, how do we transfer them to the pages? Creating Dynamic Characters with Gina Conroy teaches middle school students how to create memorable characters in fiction in a short three-week mini-unit. Through a series of questions, reflections, and digging deeper, writers will be encouraged to get to know the heart of their characters and how to connect them with the hearts of their readers. Perhaps you don’t want to create characters but want to read about great characters. Adam Andrews introduces middle school and high school students (even upper elementary if you feel they are ready) to a wide variety of characters through Literature. Using books like The Bronze Bow, Apples to Oregon, Fishing in the Air, The Silver Chair, The Odyssey, and many more, students study conflicts, themes, setting, characters, motif, and more. Throughout the course, they create note pages and story charts as they learn about literary elements, and they answer Socratic discussion questions about each book. Students are bound to find at least one character who is “quite a character!”
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC