Hey Mama Monday: 5 Reasons You’re A Good Friend

Hey Mama,
You know what? You have more friends than you realize. Let’s find out why:
1. You’re loyal. Faithful and true is your kind of friendship, and your kids see that, too.
2. You’re giving. If someone is in need, you’re the first one with the door wide open. You’ll personally go without to ensure another is taken care of. Your kids have experienced that firsthand with you.
3. You’re truthful. Phony is the last thing you are. Even if it hurts, you’re going to tell your friend the truth. Faithful are the wounds of a friend . . . and your kids are witnessing this trait in you.
4. You’re prayerful. Recognizing that the Lord is sovereign, you are a committed friend to pray. You wake up at night to pray sometimes. Your kids have been the recipients of some of those prayers, and they know it.
5. You’re funny, yet serious too. You can laugh it up with the best of them, but you can discern. And your children get to see that balance played out.
No wonder you have so many friends. No wonder your kids are going to turn out just fine. Keep your eyes on Christ, your nose in His word, and your hand on your children’s heads. Keep training them up in the way they should go, according to His word.
You are a good friend; you’re also a good Mama. Guess what’s coming down the pike? Keep walking and allow the Lord to prepare you to be the godly mentor you will be in the near future, to many. Your children (and their friends) will benefit. And the Lord will keep bringing people into your life for this purpose and more. May God bless you richly, faithful Mama. May God hold you tightly, always.