Are You Qualified to Teach High School, Mama?

Hey Mama,
Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I qualified to teach high school?” If so, then consider these questions:
– Did God lead you to homeschool your children in the first place?
– Has homeschooling been good for your family and your children (most of the time—grin)?
– Are the reasons you began homeschooling still valid?
If you answered yes to those questions (especially the first question), of course, you are qualified to teach high school! Just as God has carried you every step of the way in your homeschool journey, He is not going to stop now just because you have a teen.
So, let’s take a look at the real vs. the nonsense.
You get these bizarre ideas sometimes that you’re a BFF (big fat failure). You figure, “What’s the point? I’m useless.” Now, I’m here to remind you that THIS is a lie from the pit. God gave those children YOU. You are the Mama and perfect for them. Does it mean you are a perfect parent? Will your kids be ruined because you are not a perfect robot Mama?
Listen, God didn’t make you a robot. He didn’t make your kids robots, either. You are the daughter of the King, and your kids will be fine because you are taking it a day at a time—the good, the bad, the ugly. You keep it all real, and your children see that. You’re not tiptoeing around pretending to be something you’re not. You may be a disaster at times, but PHONY you are not.
They see you fall and get back up. They see you blow it but stick around. They see you super mad but then cool as a cucumber. They watch you stumble but observe that you’re able to laugh at yourself. Stability—that’s you, Mama.
And you are a BFF but not the kind you keep thinking. “She’s my BFF.” Someday that’s what your kids are going to say about you. Mama ends up being their best friend . . . forever.
Keep walking. Get your head out of the pit and look up. His hand is on your head tonight.