Can You Teach (and Learn) Spanish, Mama?

Hey Mama,
When they’re still small, it’s hard to believe our littles will ever get big—but my, how time flies! Before we know it, they’re in high school looking at electives and prepping for college—and we think, “What am I doing? I don’t know anything about teaching (or for that matter learning) a foreign language!”
But, you know what? “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Galatians 6:9). That’s a reward no one can take away. You may not feel like the most qualified Mama in the world to teach Spanish or any other language, but, trust me, you’re the perfect person because you KNOW these kids of yours. You understand their limitations, their gifts, their current place of discipline, and how they best receive instruction and academics in general. You’re perfect, Mama!
So, take heart. You can learn right alongside them, all the while encouraging them to persevere because in the end, the reward is worth it. Don’t believe me? Read what the experienced have to say from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
How to Begin Teaching Your Elementary and Middle School Students How to Speak Spanish
How to Make Foreign Language Learning Fun
Product Reviews – Excelerate Spanish
And remember, Mama, when you see that little smile . . .
One day that smile will be the same sweet mouth but bigger. Same squishy face but more mature. Same wide eyes but looking at you in a different light. Same head but much bigger. A deeper voice, one that speaks to you in a different “language” than now. See those little hands that hold yours tightly? Someday, those hands will match your own in size . . . or be much larger. They will still hold yours.
Invest. Be available. Keep doing what you already are—because it’s working. It will pay off. Nothing is more important in this life right now than the call of Motherhood, the call of serving your family, the call of loving your husband, the call of being a Daughter of the King, and simply walking under His wing, following His Word. Do not lose that momentum. Never lose that perspective, either.
See that tiny heart you are shaping today? In future days, it will look much different; it will, in turn, beat strong and true and minister to your own heart. You have done the work of a faithful Mama. They’ll rise up and call you blessed.
Stay the course because there is so much PURPOSE, so much harvest you will see. JOY is yours! Keep your eyes on the Lord; as always, His hand is on your head. And He will never leave you.