Do You Have Time to Serve Others, Mama?

When you think of “ministry opportunities,” do you think that there’s no time or opportunity for you or your family to serve anyone right now? The term ministry opportunities is simply a fancy way of saying “serve others.”
Teach your children that serving others can be something simple like helping a sibling pick up toys, bringing Mama an ice pack when she has a headache, or doing what Dad asks right away instead of arguing. There are service opportunities in your neighborhood, too, for you or your family: weeding a neighbor’s garden, taking over a plate of cookies, or checking to see if an elderly neighbor is okay. Ask the Lord to show you the opportunities available to you right now and then follow His leading. In this season of your life, serve where you can and remember . . .
Hey Mama, just a reminder, right now you are in ONE season of your life. And like all seasons, it’s going to pass, and you will enter another. Maybe the next one will be calmer, more peaceful, less chatter and whining all around you. It might be a little boring, even.
As I type, Baby Z is “talking” at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS. He has discovered his voice, and because we have so many big kids, he gets instant attention practically every time he utters a peep. At this moment, Chloe and Sani are both serenading him (too loudly) with “Silent Night” for entertainment purposes (he drools and grins). But instantly it spirals into a conflict.
“Mom, Chloe’s not singing it right!”
Chloe: (3) “Yes, I am!”
Sani: (5) “No, you’re not! Here’s how you sing it–let me teach you!!”
This probably sounds familiar to some of you, LOL.
My house is loud. It’s messy and loud. And it’s a bit chaotic today. I don’t particularly like the smell coming from the kitchen, either.
My word, Sani has just attempted to sing the whole song, opera-style (too loud and TOO HIGH PITCHED). This house is loud. But love lives here. Wild, crazy, silly, fantastic love lives here. Wrecking ball love.
Embrace the madness today.
Keep walking, Mama. You may not have your ducks in a row, you may look like a cave man with that hair today, but your house is PACKED full of love and liveliness. Your kids love you. Enjoy this season.