Geography & Geology – Where to Go and What to Find, Mama

Hey Mama,
What do you think of when you hear the words “geography” or “geology”? Maps. Rocks. Or maybe TERROR at the idea that you’ll have to teach these subjects someday? (grin) Be at peace, Mama. There is a greater purpose behind these ominous subjects. They remind us that we serve a God of order Who changes not and has a flawless plan for absolutely everything—perfectly seen in geography and geology.
Still not convinced of your abilities to teach? You can do this. Yes! See what the experts have to say in these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
Geography: You’d Be Lost without It!
Fossil Hunter to Fallacy Slayer
And remember, Mama . . .
John 14:27 speaks of peace. Christ gives us peace, not the kind the world has to offer but something far better, much stronger. Did you know His ways are higher than ours? We think we see everything that is before us, but He knows what is around the next corner. If only you could see around that corner . . . if only you could see what He can . . .
The good news is, He SEES. Not only does He see, He also gives us peace because He cares—a peace the world can’t even understand.
Don’t focus on what’s heavy right now, Mama. And I know it feels heavy. Set your eyes on Christ, His perfect peace, and KNOW in your heart (because it’s true) that He works all things for good for those who love Him (read Romans 8). Your “around the next corner” is coming. Just wait . . . He will RIGHT everything. Every wrong. And even the things already right will become even sweeter. He is our joy! And He is just.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Eyes on Christ. Keep Him ever before you. Guess what, Mama? His hand is (still) on your head today.
Love, gena