Geography on the Go, Mama

Hey Mama,
With all the traveling we do, the kids should have soaked up a lot of geography by osmosis. There’s something about hiking or driving up a mountain to show you how tall mountains can be or experiencing the ocean by running on the beach and into the waves. And what about demonstrating climate change by explaining why your hair doubles in size when it’s humid.
Try these ideas for teaching geography from the magazine and adapt some of them for your next road trip.
“Geography: You’d Be Lost Without It” – Maggie S. Hogan
“Getting Started in Geography” – Alicia Z. Klepeis
Now here’s a reminder because it’s easy sometimes to forget.
Daughter of the King, He loves you. He will never leave you. He has given you the “Mama heart” you have, for good reason. Keep walking. It’s all for a reason, a beautiful purpose. None of this is random, and at some point, we will see His perfect plan. It is good.
Today is good because He is your whole life. And He will maintain what He has built. His hand is on your head.