Hey Mama Monday: God Loves You, Mama

Hey Mama,
Just stopping in to remind you that for as much as you love your own precious children, God loves you even more than that. You cannot begin to fathom his great love and the delight he holds for you. So every time you begin to doubt your worth or feel insecure, stop and look at your kids’ faces. Are they insecure about your love for them? Do they doubt their own worth in the presence of your love and care for them? Of course not. Mama, you know they are strong in body and mind because of how you have cared for and loved them all the days of their lives. They are secure and they know it. Why do you think they go running to you every time they fall down, both literally and figuratively? Mama makes it better. They are strong in that knowledge.
How about you, Mama? Are you not loved far more by your great God and Savior? He loves with a perfect love. And He directs that love straight to your heart. Don’t you dare doubt you are cared for. Put away any thoughts that you are alone. If your kids are secure in the imperfect love you give them, how much more secure and strong should you be in the Perfect One’s loving embrace?
His hand is on your head. He will never leave you. Just as you won’t abandon your children, He won’t leave His alone either. Lift your eyes up to Him who saves you. And accept freely that you are OK tonight. His hand is on your head.