God’s Investment in Us, Mama

Hey Mama,
What do you think about God’s provision? When comparing it to the way you and your husband provide for your own children, does it measure up?
It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking, “Where is God? Why won’t He provide?” When in actuality, you may be asking for what you already have. He gives us enough.
It’s easy to fall into envy and wishing we could have more days off for travel, nicer furniture, or a better car. You may have a friend or family member who gets to go out to eat all the time, but that’s not in your budget. Or you may have a pile of bills that are running late, or the rent is due and you are short. God will provide. He always does.
I know I have fallen into the trap of spoiling my children sometimes, giving them far more than they truly need. During holidays or their birthdays, we go overboard at times. Or their extended family members and friends pour on the gifts. We grow to think that’s normal, and it becomes the expectation. Not only do our children start wanting more and more, but we too amplify our views on what we should have as the norm.
God doesn’t work that way, and He wants us to invest our money and our time like He does . . . and to teach our children to do the same. Enjoy these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine to help you and your children invest wisely.
Teaching Kids to Win with Money: An Interview with Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze
Teaching Kids to Be Money-Smart
Teach Personal Finances Early; Avoid Worries Later
And remember, Mama. . .
For the Christian, this life is full of trials. It’s a testing ground, a training period. What we do here and now determines what we’ll be doing after this life is up during eternity. When we struggle or endure difficulties, we are able to see our own responses and can judge (and improve) our character. A hardship allows us to cling more tightly to Christ, to recognize that He is the only Way and our hope.
For the Christian, this life is also full of happiness and God’s generosity. He gives far more than we ever could! Think about how He has blessed you over the last month and year. Look at your past, since you have come to Christ. Have you not been well taken care of? He is so faithful.
Take great joy in your salvation. Keep the perspective that this life is but a blink, and your children are watching you. When they are grown and facing their own trials and wants, will they remember fondly how their Mama handled her own? With grace, great faith, patience, and full of joy, their Mama lived out her faith. She knew where her hope was: in her Father, Who never failed her. She was greatly cherished. He was her Provider. The Giver.
“My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” – 2 Corinthians 12:9.
– gena