Hey Mama Monday: How Can You Improve Your School Year, Mama?

Hey Mama,
How can you improve your school year? Put God first, and make sure you and your husband bathe all your plans in prayer. Put everything in His hands, and then get to work!
Today is the last of the holidays, and it’s time to think about nestling into the school week and working hard.
Work hard.
You know? It’s OK to take an extended break sometimes. If you need additional days off too, go ahead. Play games, spend time reading aloud, do a cooking day with the kids, go shopping, start Valentine crafts early, or just get some days of winter activities in outdoors. You already DO work hard. You’re a homeschool mom. And your kids are smart–really smart. They are learning to work hard like you and Dad.
Play hard, too.
Have fun with the same kind of passion you give to work. Laugh deeply. Smile big. Take time to just enjoy your day. It was ordained by God, you know. Did you forget?
Don’t forget. He orders our days and even lights the path. And He is not cracking the whip on you. He’s just not, Mama. Enjoy this new year and the weeks to come with great gusto. Set your eyes on the Lord who loves you dearly. You have reason to rejoice!
~ gena
P.S. Check out these articles for encouragement and ideas for improving your school year:
Three Easy-To-Remember Opportunities for Living the Education Life -Karen Andreola
Prayer, Praise, and Pursuit -Sheila Campbell
How Can I Reenergize Our Homeschool if My Children Are Bored or Unmotivated -Zan Tyler