Keep Science Fun and Real, Mama!

Hey Mama,
When did your littles learn so much from just playing and hanging out with you, sweet Mama and your husband? But they did learn. Even today they’re learning (and so are you).
Using apps, textbooks, even fun experiments from time to time, they’re learning about science and nature and life. While they’re still little, you might be tempted to save science until they’re bigger. They’re too little now to get this, you think. Wanna know a secret? They aren’t! They will love digging up earth worms, watering the garden, and creating volcanos with vinegar and dish soap. Keep it fun! Keep it real.
Life is the biggest experiment of all. We plant seeds in our children’s hearts and love and nurture them. Then *poof!* one day they’re all grown up, and you wonder where the time went. In the meantime, while your little seeds grow, take some time to enjoy doing science. Not convinced? See what this writer from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine has to say.
Science at Home is Easy; You Can Do This!
And remember, Mama . . .
Midweek. Here we are. And the kids have grown. We can’t see that growth over just the last few days, but we know it’s there. Not just physically but mentally, too. Little tiny blocks of growth which, over the months and years, create a massive learning structure, a beautiful completion of what started out as only a tiny seed.
God is faithful to see you through. He knows what your family is dealing with even right now. The trials and challenges are not foreign to Him; He sees. Wide awake, He never sleeps. Never grows complacent, either. The perfect Parent. The trials are deep. But He is using these for our good, our own growth.
What started out in our own lives as just a small seed is daily—in small bursts—moving forward if we are in Him. He is faithful to complete what He has begun. It’s not only our children who are growing . . . we are, too.
Continue to endure. Persevere. Trust. Believe. Obey His Word and just walk. He does all the rest. He is the Builder of our faith; He is the Builder of it all, our whole life. Your children are in His hands, just as you are, Mama. Look up and receive that care because it’s free, and it’s yours. No more snatching the troubles and worries back out of His hands. Why would you want to carry that junk?
Let Him carry you. He actually wants to. Because He will take these problems and turn it all into usefulness and goodness, and you will grow in GRACE. The mind of Christ. That is the goal, Mama.
Seeds now. Joy in the morning. As for today, His hand is on your head.