Hey Mama Monday: Let’s Not Forget About History, Mama

Hey Mama,
In five years, life will be very different. You may have another child (or even a grandchild). People you know may have passed away. You might live in a different house or in a different state. You might have a completely different job. You might have no job at all. Life is uncertain, but one thing that is certain is that the Lord knows exactly what will happen in your life five years from today. And His hand will be on your head then, just as it is today. Faithful Mama, follow Him always.
The trials and stresses you are facing today will likely be a faded memory, perhaps even something you chuckle over. Either way, you will have grown from it. You will be wiser and more easily able to share with others what you went through during this crazy 2020 year, how you dealt with it, the way your great God and Savior held your hand all the way through, and that life does go on. Nothing is too difficult for your God. In fact, it’s all connected to His very plan for you. Take comfort in that, Mama. That is special.
It’s the beauty of history . . . we get to look in retrospect at all that has occurred, and IF we are growing in Christ and following His Word, we are much wiser from it. We have a “knowing” and can counsel others in the Lord later in life.
Now, in the future, we can see God’s divine hand of Providence in the acts of the past, even the unpredictable and nutty year of 2020. None of it surprised Him. So, we remember, lest we forget, and we must never forget, Mama. He is still on the throne, now and forever.
Let these encouraging articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine reinforce the importance of history in your homeschool this year.
History is Really His Story by Michelle Howard Miller
6 Keys to Bringing American History to Life! by Diana Waring
History Is Stranger Than Fiction by Amy Barr
And picture this, Mama. . .
Your children, the little popcorn-crackerjack monkeys before you now, five years from today. They will be bigger. Stronger. More easily able to use logic and reason. What will life be like?
Be encouraged, Mama. Just as God has met every need and taken care of every issue you currently have, He will continue to then as well. The best day of your LIFE may happen within these next five years. You have much to look forward to. He will never leave you or forsake you, and He gave you these sweet children (some not so sweet right now) for a divine PURPOSE. Do not forget that. There is reason. There is hope.
Pray. Wait. Read His Word. Obey and apply. Pray more.
Wait on Him. You are in His perfect will. You love Him with all your heart, mind, and soul; and He sees your soft heart for your family and for doing what’s right. You are in this world but not of this world nor do you attach yourself to the things the Lord despises. You teach your children to do the same. Walk confidently in that. Move about joyfully, realizing that you serve the God Who loves your children, Who has good plans, Who with intentional purpose has written your story (part of His story—yes, you are part of the Kingdom). His heart is good and can be trusted.
Never forget, Mama. He has always, always taken care of you.
And He will not go away from you now.
As for today, our wonderful and consistent God is awake, aware, deeply connected to your situation and has His hand on your head, even now. But you knew that. You know Who your great God and Savior is. Rest in that today.
~ gena