Hey Mama Monday: Love Your Mama

Hey Mama,
Once upon a time, you were a mere child. You had a Mama. She loved you and held you tightly, and you knew you belonged. She was not perfect, not at all. She made mistakes. She herself was still growing in many ways, and you sometimes were the one she “learned on,” so to speak.
She got older. You got older. You took on some of her personality and/or character traits, maybe a little . . . maybe a lot. You, too, began to discover your own way of doing things, of being a Mama. A different Mama, not identical to your own Mama. You are unique.
Today, think about your Mama. She may be in Heaven (like my Mama is). She might be your best friend. Or not in your life for reasons God knows. Either way, consider the blessing you had (small or big) by being raised by that Mama. And consider that one day your children will be doing the same reflective thinking about you. They will be different, yet will carry some of the same traits, as your influence is and will continue to be great. In the end, however, they will be their own kind of Mama.
Will they call you their best friend?
Mama, call your Mama sometime soon if you can. Tell her that you know she did her best with what she had. Tell her about how God used her as He formed you into the Wife and Mama you are today. Tell her you love her, regardless of your circumstances, because God gave you to her, and her to you, and there should be some sort of honor there. There should be a lot of honor there.
May your own children rise up and call you blessed. Call your Mama and do the same for her. Jesus still has a plan He’s working out in her life, too. Just like He does with you and your children. Value that.