Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Do You Remember Why You Are Homeschooling?

For those days when you can’t remember why you are homeschooling and you think about saying these two words, “I QUIT!”–I have a list of 25 reasons to help you remember why you are homeschooling and why not to give up:
25 Reasons Not to Give Up
- God’s grace is sufficient; His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).
- God gives us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
- God’s mercy endures forever (Lam. 3:22).
- God works in us to do His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).
- Our children need Godly parent-mentors and teachers.
- Our children need their questions answered from a Biblical worldview.
- Our children need and are permitted room to grow and time for creativity.
- Our children need and receive Godly socialization.
- Our children learn to be unselfish and how to serve others.
- Our children retain their innocence.
- Our children will have a lasting legacy of love and commitment.
- Our children and our children’s children will be spared worldly indoctrination.
- We know where our children are at all times.
- We know what our children are being taught at all times.
- We know who our children’s friends are and who their parents are.
- We retain our God-given right to educate our own children.
- Our children receive a superior education, no matter what philosophy or curriculum.
- Homeschooled children receive one-on-one attention and specialized training.
- Homeschooled children can see and experience the world around them regularly.
- Homeschooling permits the teaching of important life skills.
- Homeschooling builds strong character and strong relationships.
- Our children will not have to walk in the counsel of the ungodly (Ps. 1:1).
- Our children will not have to stand in the path of sinners (Ps. 1:1).
- Our delight will be in the law of the Lord, and everything we do will prosper (Ps. 1:2-3).
- Our God never gives up, and He gives us His strength to continue the journey.
I know there are a huge number of other reasons for not giving up, and I know that many of you feel you have a lot more reasons to feel like quitting, but before you say the words, “I quit!” please read this article on quitting. I pray it blesses and strengthens you.
Hang in there! Don’t be anxious about tomorrow! One day at a time, and as we seek God’s kingdom first, He will take care of the rest.
Hanging in there with you,
Deborah Wuehler is the Senior Editor and Director of Production here at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. She would say she is a very ordinary homeschool mom–with one exception: she has an extra-ordinary God Who provides all she needs for life and homeschooling. She has eight children aged 11 to 29. Deborah’s mission is this: to point other homeschoolers to the Lord in all they do, think, and feel—and to confirm that they, too, can find everything they need for life, godliness–and homeschooling–in their knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:3, 4).