Hey Mama Monday: Mama, We’re All Mentors

It is inevitable that during the course of your homeschool “career” you will need some guidance and wisdom. And further along the road, you will be imparting that wisdom and help to others. The homeschool community is a wonderful resource and a wealth of information so be sure to tap into the community at your local support group. You can also ask questions on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/theoldschoolhouse) or just hit the Chat button at www.SchoolhouseTeachers.com where there are seasoned homeschool representatives ready to impart their wisdom.
Whether you feel like you are smarter than a fifth grader or not, you are a mentor. Your children are watching you closely and are basically your little disciples. You will be mentoring them for most, if not all, of their years. The question is “What are they seeing? What are they learning from you?” Those questions can be really scary. But if you are staying under the mentorship of the Scriptures, then God’s work in you will be what they see. Stay in the Word. Show your children Jesus. Respond to them righteously and not in the flesh. The only way to do that is to surrender to the LORD. In your angry moments, cry out to the LORD to change you, to move you out of the way so they see Christ in you. In your happy moments, give Him praise. In all your moments, show your children the work of God in your life.
I am so thankful for the many mentors in my homeschooling journey. Many of our authors here in The Homeschool Minute have been my homeschool heroes. I have learned so much from them as well as from the authors in the magazine. Our spring anniversary issue is live, and I would highly encourage you to go read through it! So much mentoring going on with strong encouragement, spelling & phonics, book reports, botany, gardening, and even chickens! You’ve got this! And when you don’t, there is always someone else there to help you. Start with Jesus, and then ask others who have been where you are!