Hey Mama Monday: One Day at a Time, Mama

Hey Mama,
One . . . day . . . at . . . a . . . time
God doesn’t want us to handle the drama of a week, a month, or a year—just ONE day! He knows we are busy trying to maintain the “normal” of life (ha!) and wants us to fully trust in Him for our strength for today. So, as you go about planning meals, running your home, homeschooling your littles, and just handling daily tasks, keep in mind that God has promised us strength for this day. Make it count! Rest in Him, and He will see you through each TODAY.
If you need a few new ideas for managing your home (especially the kitchen), take a look at these great ideas from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
Making a Home Management Binder You Will Really Use
Learn to Manage a Business by Managing the Kitchen
Pull Your Preschoolers into the Kitchen!
And remember, Mama. . .
Today is just another day of making breakfast, schooling, getting dressed, running around doing errands, helping a friend, thinking about what to make for dinner, meltdowns, sibling squabbles to handle, potty accidents from little ones at the worst times, cleaning up spills, wiping noses, having heart talks with the older ones, stopping midstream to handle (fill in the blank), responding to unlimited texts from your older ones, silly antics that take us by surprise and make us laugh hysterically, emergencies that really aren’t, diapers, diapers, and more diapers, wasted food from angry toddlers, cold food (your own) because there’s no time to eat the full meal without interruption . . . yeah.
That’s a day in the life of a Mama.
And today may seem like a blur which smears into all the other todays and yesterdays, but it’s not random at all. I know it feels that way. But Daughter of the King, today there is PURPOSE in all of this motherhood madness, and the end result is absolute beauty. I promise. Keep walking towards that prize. It’s coming, faithful Mama.
And you will be there when your own daughter has a bunch of littles of her own. You will smile when she is going through all this same stuff you are today—because you will know. You will be her wisest “Mama counselor,” because you KNOW.