Science: Textbooks, Apps and Experiments, Mama

Hey, Mama,
Picture your kids eagerly gathered around a volcano they made on the deck, mixing up concoctions in the kitchen, or equipped with a net and collecting bugs and chasing butterflies outdoors. Science really comes alive when you take the time to set aside the textbooks periodically and switch to hands-on activities. You might Google “Charlotte Mason Homeschooling” just to get some ideas on how a lot of other families incorporate her methods into their homeschools. “Charlotte Mason Homeschooling” is a hands-on, outdoor-nature-journaling, very delight-directed way of educating children. It might take less time to speed through a textbook, but more learning happens through doing than by just reading. Get outside if you can (after reading about the Charlotte Mason method), and ditch the books for a day.
Want to read an article in our magazine about this method? Click here.
And remember . . .
It is a good week. It is a good day. It is good because the LORD has made it and He loves you, and that’s good enough. Right, Mama? You think you love your own children with a love so fierce it could bounce to the moon and back. Well, God loves His own children—those who are His in Christ—with a love far fiercer than what we can drum up. He gave His only Son so that we could have LIFE eternal. His love is so deep, it is incomprehensible. We cannot understand it.
Endure in Christ, Mama! The LORD of the universe loves you. And He loves your children so keep on praying; do not give up. Keep His word. Keep your standards high! Do not lower them for anything! You will be tempted to; believe me. Don’t do it. Keep the bar high, and honor Christ in your household. Keep walking, Mama. His hand is on your head today.
“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NASB*)