Serving God and Others: Testimony of the Homeschool Life, Mama

Hey Mama,
When you have a houseful of busy kids like mine, it can be tempting to think that you don’t have time to serve anyone. But that’s the unique thing about the homeschool life. The lessons learned aren’t just from books; they also come from real life experiences like the time you took a meal to the neighbors after the mom had a surgery. That afternoon your family did yard work for your elderly neighbors. The few minutes you took to write an encouraging note or email to someone. There are many “little” opportunities to serve God and others at home and in our neighborhoods, homeschool groups, churches, and anywhere we go–even the grocery store. Let’s ask God to show us how we can serve Him and the people around us.
And remember …
- You are a fruitful vine. (Read Proverbs 31) You are one who is an expert at LOVING.
- You excel at compassion. You long for relationship.
- You love mercy. You offer it freely.
- Yours is a home of warmth and laughter.
- You have children who feel secure and stable.
- You have little learners. Your kids are not hurriedly schooled so they can pass a test; they are carefully taught because they LOVE to learn. You give them opportunities to make it stick. Your home resembles a library!
- You are a Daughter of the King, and He has given you sons and daughters to raise up in His love and admonition. They are Sons and Daughters of the King.
Keep modeling this love, Mama. Press forward.
One day they too will be Mamas and Daddies, and they will remember what you showed them by example.
~ gena