Sick Day Strategies, Mama

Hey Mama,
Look around. Your house is a disaster. What happened to your couches (All the clean laundry waiting to be folded has buried them.) . . . and that kitchen? It does not smell nice. In fact, you don’t look like you’ve had a good night’s sleep in months . . . which you probably haven’t as each kid takes a turn being sick.
Where’s your sense of pride? Out the window at 2 a.m. as you take another temperature and change yet another set of sheets.
What happened to you? Oh, yeah, you grew up. More accurately, you’ve grown wiser. Sure, a clean house is nice—and there are many times that happens in your family. Certainly, a perfect-smelling kitchen and a dress not stained with spit-up and leftovers from cooking breakfast would be fantastic—but what you have is so much more. So much deeper.
Your kiddos know Mama is there to snuggle and cuddle and PRAY when they don’t feel their best. Mama knows exactly what to do on the sick days and every day.
Don’t believe me? Your friends at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine have been where you are and can offer some great ideas on how to deal with those sick days (and nights).
Homeopathy: A Natural and Pre-Modern-Medicine Treatment for Acute and Chronic Illness
14 Great Games to Play with Reference Materials!
Navigating the Mid-Winter Doldrum
And remember, Mama. . .
You have family. You have children who know they are loved. They may have a caveman for a Mama, but that Mama would fiercely defend them to the ends of the earth. You may look worn and tired, but that’s because you are. Your first priority is to meet the needs of your family—and you do it at your own expense.
The couch may not be visible, but the kids couldn’t care less because that little “problem” pales in comparison to the provision, the stability, the safety, the happiness, the laughter, and the memories of all the learning and fun and singing and giggling and goofy times you and your husband provide.
It’s true. It’s genuine. It’s what’s real. It’s what’s for dinner. It’s what’s for life. And your family is so very blessed to have you.
The house will burn or rot someday. The couches at some point will end up in the dump/landfill/burn barrel. Your hair is going to turn gray and probably fall out someday anyway (grin). But the memories . . . the life you have been given. What a gift!
Don’t forget that. Your middle name is BALANCE. Your first name is MAMA. And everyone knows they’re loved because of it.
Keep walking. Keep giving. Try to get some sleep. Make time to read God’s Word so you are filled. And just keep on that path He has set you on; it’s a good one. May your children rise up and call you blessed.
– gena