Hey Mama Monday: Stay Soft, Mama!

Hey, Mama!
God’s Word promises us trials. Some of us know a little too well what those are (or so we think). They are tests, spiritual ones, that God uses to grow us into Christ’s likeness… provided we don’t resist the lesson and avoid what He’s attempting to show us. If we do, we can “miss the bus” altogether, which may mean a repeat lesson later.
Having the mind of Christ is not something that happens overnight. We hope for it; it sounds good, and we surely say we want to be wise, or be more like Christ. But there really is only one way to attain wisdom, Mama. It’s about godly understanding, and this comes strictly from His Word, the Bible. Are you soaking it in? Do you study it in context, applying it daily? It’s your lifeline. It’s where you will find wisdom from God’s heart, pouring directly into your own. Do not miss it!
Some trials hit us from behind, so unexpected. Some are completely unjust. Others are not surprising when they show up because of life choices that may have led to them. The time we have before Heaven is so short; it’s just a blink of an eye and then we will be Home! Why the trials? Why the pain, here, first? God’s ways are so much higher than ours. They don’t always make sense to our finite minds. Our flesh reacts with anger, confusion, and we are tempted to recoil from the Lord. Don’t.
Do not be pulled into defensive deception. Use this short time to glorify God, to follow after Him, despite the pain, even in the midst of absolute unjust treatment from would-be friends or family members. People will always disappoint. Sickness abounds. Death happens. We are left reeling in ourselves, sometimes. But we have a good, good Father, and He has a plan.
Stay soft, Mama. Turn your heart towards Him, no matter the circumstances. Remain in His Word. Your children are watching, even when you don’t realize it. Model Christ. Prove your growth. Practice grace. And hug your little ones close to you today. They are yet another reminder of God’s love for you. Gifts from the Lord. These young ones are going to have trials and be tempted to resist and recoil too at times, but you will be a strong counselor and they will learn from your example. Wise Mama. As for today, keep walking. His hand is on your head.
“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” —James 1:12