Hey Mama Monday: Step One for Teaching Science to High School Homeschoolers, Mama

Hey Mama,
So my house is really a mess right now. There’s a tall tower of folded towels on the coffee table which may or may not make it to the linen closet (ever). Often it seems they get knocked over before I can even deal with them. I have blueberry pancake batter made, sitting on the counter, but can’t get to the stove yet to cook them up; my little one is glued to my shoulder. And I like it. The pancakes can wait a while. How long will this wee one stay little?
This is a good, healthy, fulfilling life and a good path you’re on, Mama. A rich life full of daily rewards. Input. Small daily deposits you’re making. Input galore. Well done!
God has placed you exactly HERE, and do you think He is going to tear down or allow to whither on the vine what He Himself has built up for His purposes? Or is He the God of order and all that is good and right? Your house may be chaotic right now, like mine. It may smell a little funky, like mine. But keep at it; it’s worth it.
And as your littles grow older, you’ll continue inputting value into their lives—through Bible class, English class, and, yes, even science class. So, as you ponder tomorrow, take heart from your friends who have been there, friends from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
How to Create Your Own Science Curriculum
And remember, Mama. . .
When your little ones are underfoot because you are a stay-at-home mommy, your house may be a little chaotic. You might not bother wearing nice shirts at home because you know grubby little hands and icky noses are going to rub against you all day. Meltdowns are going to happen (theirs and yours). You didn’t know the meaning of “loud” until you had all these kids, did you? Well, you do now.
When you discover the two-year-old has been sneaking the cat food because it’s “yummy,” the five-year-old is tearing around the house like there are ten of her, and the seven-year-old does nothing but talk your ear off all day long, you might feel a little weary. You might even look into the distance, towards the hills, and contemplate escaping there. For a week.
When you have changed the 14th poopy diaper of the day from a child who really should be potty-trained by now, you may feel like you live in a barn and that you should buy stock in diapers because surely you’re funding that whole economy. You might even be tempted to start calling daycare facilities for pricing info and stare hard at the yellow school bus as it rounds the corner. Should you just put the seven- and five-year-olds on it this fall? And with the two-year-old off at daycare, you could get a . . . real job. Wow! Money and lunches out, hair that stays in place, shirts that stay clean. No snot and tears. Just imagine.
But you know better. You know yourself and those children God has gifted you with—yeah, the loud ones who even now won’t let you get through this ONE little article in peace. You know their needs better than anyone. And they are so secure with you and their siblings around all day. At any given moment during their day, they can run to you for a hug or a kiss. Think about all the times they have done that. My littlest just did it, in fact. He stopped mid-play, scrambled up here on the couch next to me for a two-minute snuggle and then, in his hyper little monkey way, ran off to play again. He just knows I’ll always be here. I’m not putting him on any bus. I’m raising him up the best I can, and we are getting by day after day under God’s grace.
The God Who is the opposite of chaos is standing right here, watching over us, hand firmly planted on our heads. Daughter of the King, do not give up. Stay the course. He’s still here. Not gonna leave you.