Hey Mama Monday: Summer Activities to Save YOUR Sanity, Mama

Hey Mama,
Summer is a good time to mix fun and less structured learning. Whether you school year round or take a break, you’ll find some great ideas for summer activities in The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
And remember . . .
If you know nothing else, you know that the God of the universe, the One Whom you teach your children to fear, the One Who has saved you, the One Who keeps you in His hand, the One Who has opened your eyes and given you hope for eternal life, the One Who has given you compassion and love for a hurting world . . . that One . . . that God, Jesus Christ, the one true Living Savior . . .
His hand is on your head tonight. Rest in Him. What He builds, He does not tear down. He is not a God of chaos. He is orderly and has good plans for you. And He has given you these children and instructed you to walk. This is the path He has you on.
So you are covered. You are safe. You are His, and no one can snatch you away. Pray for your children. Ask God to turn things right and to be just with you. He will because He is.
~ gena