Hey Mama Monday: Teachable Moments, Mama

Hey Mama,
When you homeschool, you have the gift of time. Time to be a super model. Not the kind the world drools over. I mean the real kind – a model of the Lord your God. A super role model to your children, who are always watching. You’re not perfect, and you have been known to have a few meltdowns yourself, but just a little news short here – you’re not alone.
The women of the Bible had all sorts of issues going on, too. And some of the men whom God Himself called “friend” or had His hand of protection planted firmly on their heads – some of those guys made some really big blunders. They at times displayed faithlessness or arrogance maybe. Some got so fearful they were frozen at times, rendered to what they probably thought was useless to the Lord.
But He who sits on the throne had other plans for them. His ways are so much higher, they are unsearchable! Who can know the mind of God? He is merciful and faithful and compassionate and loving. He created His own … and Mama you are one of them. You love the Lord Jesus with all your heart, soul, and mind. Even in all your frailties and disastrous days you sometimes have – we all have them. What sets you apart? You may blow it, but you realize it, you turn, you dust yourself off, pick yourself up, and you start over, recognizing all the while Who the One is who has built your faith to begin with. You worship that King of kings. You revere the Holy One, the only true God.
And your children see this. They see the messes and how you “clean them up.”
You are a super model, Mama. You really are. You use those teachable moments to show your children what is important and how to build their relationship with the Lord and with others. And it’s the Lord Who has His hand on your head today.
May we be found faithful to the end.
~ gena
Thank you for this reminder, Gena. It is so encouraging.
God Bless,