Hey Mama Monday: Teaching the Only Child, Mama

Hey Mama,
Homeschooling one child? Here’s some advice from TOS magazine:
- One Child, One Journey – Shelly Campbell-Harley
- The Joy of Homeschooling Only One Child – Julie Jeavons
- The Great Bugaboo – Donna Conner
For more advice, just search the magazine free at www.TOSMagazine.com.
Are you facing trials right now?
Trials will come and go. Some last longer than others, and some are so painful you cannot breathe. It’s easy to ask, “WHY, God?” But really, does He owe us an answer? He’s given us one already, and it’s in His word. There are a vast number of passages that discuss trials and enduring until the end. When we give Him glory even during the hard times, we are passing the test at that time. Yes, He’s allowed to give us those tests and trials; we are to rejoice in them. They hurt, but believe it or not, these build character and make us more like Him. I want to be like my Father, and you do, too, Mama, even if the pain is great.
Job 2:10
But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Accept the good. Rejoice in it. Endure the trials, too, and praise HIS holy name during it all. Your children are watching. Model this to them, as hard as it may be. Yes, life is hard. Being a Christian is not a fluffy walk with Big Santa in the sky. No, you have a loving Father who has His hand on your head. I want Him smiling on me. Obedience is where our heart should be, Mama. Keep walking. He will never leave you.
~ gena