Hey Mama Monday: The Best is Coming, Mama!

Hey Mama,
Did you know that some of the sweetest days you will ever have haven’t even happened yet? The time in your life you laughed so hard you could barely breathe—that day isn’t here just yet. And the way you look at your child the day they get married . . . you never felt such joy. That day will come.
So much is around the bend, around the corner, down the road. Happiness waits for you. Wild, wrecking-ball kind of crazy joy is upon you. Laughter at what you never dreamed would happen, new, upcoming small feet and hands to hold, the rains that will pour down hard outside while you are snuggling with someone inside—those rains are not yet here. Those future snuggles have not yet come. But they will. Don’t you know, God has good plans for you? He works ALL things out for GOOD to those who love Him. And you love Him with all your heart. He will bless you, Mama. Your obedience to His word is not forgotten. He misses nothing.
Beauty is rising, and tomorrow you will lay eyes on it. You will laugh freely; your heart will be light again. Your tears will be of jubilee. The best is coming.
Bear up now because it’s just a season. He allows life to ebb and flow, trials to come and go, but there is a common thread through it all. A truth, an absolute, that He is God and on the throne no matter what happens. Nothing shakes Him. And you too will not be shaken. Your sweetest, most cherished memories you will ever experience probably have not yet even happened. Keep walking, Mama. He is right beside you.