Time Alone with God, Mama

Hey Mama,
Drove off by myself in the car, just me and the Lord chatting. Well, I did the chatting, pouring out my heart. He has already poured out His in the Bible, His Word. It’s how He talks to us. God’s Word can be trusted. It’s our food, our sustenance. Such power there, such wisdom to be learned. Truth about living life now for Christ and the life to come. I’m so grateful for His Word. And between reading His Word and going off by myself sometimes just to pray, just to share my heart, I have my two-way communication covered right there. My “tank” is full. He is there with me. I have a Heavenly Father who listens and who loves me even more than I love my own children. That’s huge! I can trust His heart.
Do you know this Lord? E-mail me directly so I can share Him with you. If you already know the King of kings and just need some heart talk, take a look at some of these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
Family Devotions: Passing on Faith to our Children—Every Day
And remember, Mama. . .
Life’s not about formulas. Well, it was for baby Zion for a while, not anymore though. Can you believe he’s now five?! Funny how babies love that creamy, smelly white stuff in their bottles. But no formula will last forever, and parenting is so far beyond that anyway. Formulas are for newbies—amateurs. And babies.
A solution, however, is a molecular mixture of two or more substances. Marriage is kind of like that—a mixture of two bags full of flesh and bone and heart melded into one. You’re not gonna find any formula for the perfect marriage, either.
But there is One who is highly interested in our relationships here, Mama. He wants our marriages centered squarely on Him. He wants our children to be raised in His love and admonition. That means we need to know His Word—the Bible.
So, if you want a formula today, I’ll do my best. But it’s inferior to the real solution: a Christ-centered home, schoolroom, and life. God’s Word is full of doctrine, words of wisdom, and instruction. Get into it with your husband and kids. Today Paul was reading out of Genesis to the three littles, complete with Q&A time. It’s amazing the conversations that are sparked by getting into His Word as a family—weird, sometimes, especially with giggling five-year-old boys. Still, it’s incredible how God uses that time in His Word to bless every single hearer. It won’t return void.
On to the “formulas and solutions,” since some might be curious.
Be real with your kids. Transparent. You’re not perfect, and neither are they. They also are not dense; they see our hypocrisy. So, keep it real. Love them with all your heart, and make sure it’s a tough love, too. Sappy is not for you, Mama. They’ll only mock that later. Stand true and stand strong; they’ll come around. You’re the Mama, and they know deep down how much you love them . . . Remember all those seeds you have sown? GOD will water those. So wait on Him, OK? Patience.
They may walk a foolish mile. Pray them through it. Don’t bend to it, excuse it, or fawn over it. You’re a parent during that time, not a BFF (because that comes later). Pray them through that foolish mile, and be in the Word yourself. Ask God for wisdom. Cry it out, but wait on Him. He says to wait on Him! Do it. Endure. Pray. Lay that child at the foot of the cross. Jesus is mighty to save!
Marriage? Be your man’s best friend. His heart can trust in you, Mama, always. Never be divided against him in front of your kids, ever. If you disagree, be quiet and dignified about it, privately. Guard your mouth—don’t spew. Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and His Word. Love your husband with a fierce and faithful love. God will bless you. Pray for him often. Know that the enemy prowls about and that your husband is not perfect. He is a man. God’s not done with him yet. Love, love, love him. He is your first love (after the Lord God); your children come next.
But even with that . . . there are no guarantees. We live in a sinful and fallen world. LIFE eternal awaits us all who are in Christ, and that is when the true adventure will begin. This life is soooo temporal, so fleeting. Let’s make it count the best we can. May we be found FAITHFUL to the end.
You are a faithful Mama. And His mercies are new every morning. Drink that in, Mama. You are included if you are in the Lord. You are.
Now, throw the formulas that people have been trying to stuff into your life out the window—and just live for the Lord! Love Him with all your heart. Love your neighbor. Don’t worry about self; it already loves you too much. Live for Him, and everything will fall completely and wonderfully into place as you spend time in His Word. Formulas are a good starting point so take them with the grain of salt they are and spit out the bones, if any. Eyes on Christ, OK?
Much love,