Hey Mama Monday: Why Study Foreign Language, Mama?

Hey Mama,
There are a lot of options for teaching foreign languages now–online, DVDs, co-ops, etc. Sign language can even count as a foreign language credit.
Check out some options:
The Value of a Foreign Language
Have you looked lately at the Foreign Language options at SchoolhouseTeachers.com? We have a lot. This is the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse®. Try it for a month. Look at all these foreign language courses: schoolhouseteachers.com/2015/02/foreign-language-courses.
And remember . . .
Rest in the Lord. Your week is full. It feels like it is going too fast and that not much is really getting done. But things do get done. The biggest thing: the relationship building. Every single day with these kids is an opportunity to pour that much more love into them. That much more dialogue. That much more input into their lives. That’s you, Mama, speaking LIFE into these precious ones. You’re serving them, and they see it. They will remember it later.
We only have them for a short while. You think this last week went fast; it only goes faster the older we get. Tapestry . . . remember tapestry. You wove threads last week.
Not every thread was perfect and shiny and outstanding. But each thread was real. Real life. It’s what you give, and it’s what your children count on, and when they are older, they will remember a Mama who wasn’t perfect, but she was real. And they can attain that, too. Real Mamas raise real kids who turn into real adults. Nothing phony. No airs. No pretenses. You’re so not that.
His hand remains–as always–on your head. And your children know you more today than they knew you last week. And you, them. That’s real. Real progress. Epic success.
~ gena
Thank you Gena, your words encourage me after a hard week.
Keep writing
God Bless You,