High School History and Theology

It’s time for high school students to do some serious thinking . . . about the past, the present, and the future. New to SchoolhouseTeachers.com, we have theology and world history. Introduction to Theology: Part One, Foundations with Dr. Craig Biehl is an advanced class that challenges students to dig deeper into Scripture as they study theology, its practical applications to living, the dangers of wrong approaches to theology, and the fundamentals of several doctrines including Bibliology, anthropology, Christology, and ecclesiology. Numerous study questions are included with each section of study. Introduction to Theology: Part Two, Soteriology is a study of the doctrine of salvation. It begins with the need for atonement and then takes a closer look at atonement, grace, regeneration, faith, repentance, and other related topics. The better we understand the doctrine of salvation, the better we understand the magnificent mercy, grace, love, justice, wrath, holiness, and power of God. Ample topics are provided that can be developed into independent papers for grading, if desired. Another new course from Dr. Craig Biehl is Reading Religious Affections. This advanced class challenges students to dig deeper into Scripture while examining Jonathan Edwards’ classic work Religious Affections. Through twenty units, Dr. Biehl examines the arguments raised in the book and poses numerous questions and points for discussion. The study guide is divided into twenty teaching modules, with discussion questions following each module. As Edwards’ theological insights are as applicable today as they were at the time of its initial publication in 1746, the discussion questions are designed to help teachers and students apply them to their own hearts and to contemporary Christianity in general. Scripture references are sometimes written out to expedite the pace of the study, while references listed without text allow teachers and students to look up verses to interact with their own Bibles as part of the study. As students gain a greater understanding of God and mankind’s relationship to Him, they can take that knowledge and apply it to history. World History covers nearly 2,500 years of history beginning with the Roman Republic and ending with present day. This thirty-six-week course will cover some of the major events that have happened in the world and will introduce some of the key players in those events. The lessons will afford students the opportunity to research and learn as they are directed to various websites, online videos, and books (many of which will be available at your local library). Discussion questions are provided, along with tests and essay questions.
Tammie Bairen
Editor, SchoolhouseTeachers.com
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine