High School Planning Resources For Homeschoolers

When I began high school planning for the first time in my homeschooling career, it honestly was not that bad. As I watched my kids run around the playground throughout the early years, a sense of dread lingered in the back of my mind when it came to planning for the high school years. Although once I reached that stage, I honestly thought to myself, “Are we really here already?” I couldn’t believe it! I have homeschooled my children since the beginning, and let me tell you, there have been some bumps in the road that we had to deal with so when I reached the point of high school, I felt like I was simply moving up a slight incline, not over a monstrous speed bump like I had been expecting.
Throughout the years, I would prepare for the year ahead. Even if it wasn’t extremely detailed planning, I always have general goals set in place for what I want each child to learn. When it comes to high school, you simply have an end goal in mind. Whether it is college, an apprenticeship, beginning a business, or a trade school, you can plan the high school years accordingly. Here are a few things to consider when planning for the high school years.
Curriculum Needs
This is the fun part—curriculum shopping! Do your research and find out which subjects are absolutely required by your state in the high school years. Also, find out where you have some wiggle room as far as electives are concerned and figure out which curriculum options are best for your child. Is online the best fit for a few subjects? Do you know some homeschooling families with recently graduated high schoolers? Ask around for suggestions. Search online reviews and see which will best fit your child for the upcoming year.
Educational Activities Outside of the Home
Many homeschoolers outsource in one way or another. Whether it is music lessons or a co-op class, homeschoolers are generally familiar with learning outside of the home. Consider kicking it up a notch in the high school years if the opportunities are available in your area. Sign your child up for Red Cross classes so once they graduate high school, they are certified in First Aid and CPR. You can even look around for classes offered by community colleges or museums for homeschoolers. Plenty of online opportunities are available as well.
Future Plans of Student
Where is your child headed? Plan his coursework accordingly. If your child has a career goal that requires higher-level math, plan for him to take the required courses, beginning in ninth grade if possible. Is your child planning to pursue a career that requires an apprenticeship? Make connections, and even if this isn’t the year for the apprenticeship to take place, find someone willing to take him under his wing and find out any prerequisites needed for the job. Find out what interests your child and get them started on that path. Rather than taking the approach of getting all of the core classes out of the way, begin to integrate relevant classes into his education.