Homeschool Encouragement: The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine for Homeschoolers

If you are a homeschooling mom, you need encouragement! The opportunity to teach your children at home is a blessing, but it is not easy. Along with being their teacher, you are the school nurse, administrator, secretary, caretaker, cafeteria coordinator, and recess monitor. You get no breaks, no prep periods (except at night when the kids are asleep), and definitely no sick days! Thankfully, homeschooling magazines can help provide the encouragement that homeschool moms so desperately need. My favourite magazine for homeschoolers is The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.
Homeschool Encouragement
If you are a typical homeschooling mom, you feel like you are failing much of the time, and you assume that the other families in your support group are doing better than your family. But when you read The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, it will boost your confidence! Not only will you see that you are a good teacher, it will become crystal clear that you are the best teacher for your child because you know your child the best.
You can do this, Mom! You are exactly what your children need and not just for the elementary and middle school grades. With all the help available online, you have what it takes to homeschool through the high school years. For this, I like to turn again to The Old Schoolhouse®, which has a FULL CURRICULUM website called One Ultimate Membership grants a whole family unlimited access to more than 400 online, self-paced courses covering Pre-K to Grade 12. (Preview their amazing lineup of High School Courses and High School Help.) The site contains hundreds of streaming videos and a massive amount of record-keeping and organizational tools. Membership also includes a subscription to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine for homeschoolers.
These excellent resources make your teaching job easier, so you can take more time for yourself. This is important, because a well-rested teacher is a better teacher. When you invest time in your own health and relationship with God, you are investing in your children’s education.
You are not alone! Others stand ready to offer encouragement for the weary homeschool mom.
How TOS Magazine Provides Homeschool Encouragement
The best encouragement in life comes from people who have walked in our shoes and are willing to help us succeed. That is how The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine for homeschoolers provides such great encouragement. The articles are written by veteran home educators who are eager to share wisdom from experience. TOS then backs up those articles by providing resources (such as that help parents succeed at this adventure we call homeschooling.
The Old Schoolhouse® Story
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine was started in 2001 as a newsletter by publishers Paul and Gena Suarez. Read the story of how God has used this magazine for homeschoolers to build a company that is blessing thousands of homeschooling families. Paul and Gena publish affordable homeschooling resources so that all parents have the option of teaching their children at home where they belong. A great place for families to begin is Schoolhouse Connect, where they can claim their FREE Get Started Pack of e-books and articles—more than 50 titles! Another FREE gold mine is The Homeschool Minute, a weekly email newsletter bringing fresh encouragement.
[Read more articles on homeschooling encouragement.]