“Homeschool With The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine” photo contest

Whatever You Are Doing This Spring – Vacationing, Homeschooling, or Planning on What To Teach Next Fall–Do It With The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine!
Between the dates of April 21-30, 2014, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is hosting a photo contest. Get creative and join us for lots of family fun and a great prize.
We want to see you buying, sharing and/or reading our GREAT magazine! So post your photos of How you HOMESCHOOL with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine on your Facebook page, tag Joy Brewer (TOS staff member) and then GO ENTER the contest on the blog page for the grand prize! (Link is below to enter)
One family will be randomly selected by our rafflecopter to win our awesome 2014 The Old Schoolhouse® bundle package (Value of $27.00 ). This package contains our:
- 2014 printed edition of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
- 2014-2015 TOS Hey Mama Print Planner
Click on the picture below for the full description of this bundle.
Here are the guidelines for the “Homeschool With The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine” photo contest.
- You can choose to send us one or all of the pictures as explained below
- Each picture must have The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine (whether in print form or on your favorite digital device–Kindle, iPhone, or iPad etc.) in it
- One picture could include the oldest issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine that you have
- One picture could include your copies of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine being displayed or used by your family
- One picture could include your local store where you buy our magazine or your mailbox where you get it
- Or you can get creative and use your own ideas as long as The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is in it
- Please post your pictures or picture on Facebook and tag me, Joy Brewer, in it
- Remember if you post a picture you are giving The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine permission to use the photo and tagging you in it on Instagram in the future
- Make sure that all photos are FAMILY FRIENDLY.
- On May 1, 2014, a winner will be randomly chosen and the winner will be announced on Facebook.
- All other photos will be posted the following weeks on Instagram.
Be creative, have fun, and make memories with your family and The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.