Hooray for High School!

High school students have two new amazing courses on SchoolhouseTeachers. These are long-awaited full-year courses high school courses. Spanish 1 with Kimberly Harris includes thirty-three lessons, weekly quizzes, and ten exams. Students will cover a large amount of vocabulary and conversational phrases, indefinite articles, and verb conjugation. Audio files are included to teach correct pronunciation, and answer keys for all worksheets, quizzes, and exams are also included. Additional topics include greetings and introductions, nouns and genders, time, describing people, numbers, and more. High School Physics with Kristen Lauria is a non-AP level physics course. When you start this course, most things that occur to you and around you in the world will just be chalked up to chance. By the time you are finished, you will understand how and why the world works as it does. This course will include topics such as kinematics, forces and Newton’s Laws, circular motion, work and energy, momentum, harmonic motion, waves, Coulomb’s Law, electric potential, circuits, magnetism, and optics. Are you ready to earn some high school credits?
Tammie Bairen
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s® SchoolhouseTeachers.com
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC