It’s Storytime!

Children love stories! Adults do, too. I suspect that’s why Jesus shared so many parables. We understand difficult concepts better through the telling of a story. Two of the newest classes on get the point across through storytelling. Bible Lessons with Paws and Tales shares Biblically based concepts like being thankful, overcoming fear, putting others first, and obeying God’s rules through meaningful adventure stories and fun animation. Kindergarten and elementary students can enjoy a total of nine and a half hours of video while learning Bible lessons. Kindergarten Parables is a collection of thirteen episodes of Adventures in Booga Booga Land. This entertaining cartoon shows children the value of strong morals. Each of Marty and Gerard’s adventures teach the parables of Jesus, such as the workers in the vineyard from Matthew 20 and the parable of the yeast from Matthew 13, in a way that children love. Through experience, mistakes, and the guidance of friends, Marty and Gerard learn the moral lessons needed to make the right choices.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine