Kirkwood Education Online – Christian Homeschooling at its Best

If you’re a busy homeschool mom, you’ll want to check out Kirkwood Education Online.
This affordable Christian online curriculum equips homeschool families with the tools of success. Children learn at their own pace with engaging online lessons, while parents appreciate the automatic scoring and student records. It is easy to set up, easy to use, and a wonderful pairing of online and printable work that encourages parental involvement in the learning process.
The lessons are clear and concise and the website is easy to navigate. The program includes video instruction, interactive lessons, student placement assessment, comprehension level testing, digital management system, achievement reports, and technical support. Kirkwood Education Online even offers a 14 day money back guarantee!
Preschool through Elementary Curriculum
Preschool curriculum begins with Early Preschool and progresses to Alphabet Capitals and Lowercase, Numbers to 100, and Learning Letter Sounds, which teaches phonics. Elementary level subjects include Reading, Vocabulary/Spelling, Language Arts, Math, Discipleship Bible Lessons and Acquisition of Knowledge. Acquisition of Knowledge teaches Human Body Systems, Zoology, Agriculture, Solar System, Native American Studies and American History. In addition to Discipleship Bible Lessons, Christian values are woven throughout the program.
Kirkwood Education Online offers advanced flexibility to accommodate a wide range of homeschooling styles, and is easily customized. Parents create unique settings for each student to have their own personal course of study. The online assessment tool helps to determine placement, and all curriculum and settings can be easily adjusted at any time. At a glance, parents can see exactly what students have completed, along with comprehension and mastery levels.
Companion Workbooks
Printable workbooks are available for pdf download at no additional cost. Parents also have the option of purchasing printed workbooks with free shipping.
Weekly Award Certificates
Printable Character Awards recognize the accomplishments and commitment of every student.
This site is absolutely fabulous!