Let There Be Rest

One of the saddest things I’ve noticed, since becoming a parent, is how it seems that everyone is so incredibly busy all the time! It’s not like we have just one or two busy days a week; every day is packed with multiple activities, and everyone staying home at the same time is an oddity. This is one area I really like to fight against in our home.
As a general rule, we only have one “run-around” day per week. I might go to the chiropractor, take my kids for a play date at the same time, and get a lunch out. This fulfills our urge to just go somewhere, while still getting everyone home for nap time.
Speaking of nap time, I absolutely refuse to plan outings during nap time. I have three children (ages 7 & under) and they all still take daily naps. I love that! It gives me a much-needed break and helps recharge their batteries, so they aren’t cranky. I realize some children give up naps at an earlier age, but you can still institute a rest hour (or two). If people want to come over, I give them times that are convenient for me. There is nothing more stressful than a houseful of company and a fussy toddler and screaming baby who just want to go to sleep!
Now, some may or may not agree with this one, but we strictly limit extracurricular activities. This is easier right now since our children are younger, but we still plan on allowing them only one activity at a time as they grow older. Where we live, we have to travel quite a distance for anything extra and we have no desire to spend all our evenings shuttling kids off to different things.
We also limit church functions. It would be easy to attend twice on Sunday, once on Wednesday night, a ladies Bible study on Tuesdays, and a men’s Bible study on Thursdays, but quite frankly, we aren’t going to do that; it would just wear us out! I can remember, as a child, we attended revivals constantly and we would get home around 10:30 every night for weeks. Even as a kid, that wore me out! We also limit Bible school to one per summer.
It’s very hard not to see frenzied activity as being very productive, but the Bible is clear that rest is a wonderful thing. I don’t think that means just sleeping at night. I think that also applies to our need to just sit in the porch swing, relaxing, while we watch our children catch fireflies. I think that will make for much better memories than a frazzled mom and dad rushing to the next big thing 🙂
Jenny is a wife to her amazing husband of 17 years and stay-at-home momma to 3 kids with another on the way. She blogs at https://www.inconvenientfamily.com where she is learning that blessings aren’t always convenient.
It is true! I hear people celebrating busy as a badge of honor or a validation of self worth. Then I hear, “Oh we never just stay around the house.” Like it is some appalling practice to do so.
I had a time when I was dealing with burn out and needed rest and calm. I got comments from my neighbors (small town) how I never went anywhere. Then celebrated when I was so busy and hectic I totally burned out. The culture is funny. Going against it can be hard, but it is worth it.