Make Learning Active with These Indoor Scavenger Hunts

If you are looking for boredom busters to keep your kids entertained, why not make it educational? Here are eight indoor scavenger hunts to help make learning active with your little ones when heading outdoors is too cold, too rainy, or too impossible.
Free Bedroom Scavenger Hunt Download
The best place to start is your child’s bedroom with this adorable bedroom scavenger hunt. Show your child that education is not just found in the classroom or your homeschool space. With a little thought and creativity, your child can have fun learning in their own bedroom. For little ones, break up the list into sections. Give them only a handful of items to search for at a time to make the task easier. Understanding basic two-step, three-step, and even four-step directions is integral to child development. If this is a skill that your child struggles with or you are not sure where they stand with it, tell them to “first find something blue and bring it to me. Then, find money and bring it to me, and then find a stuffed animal and bring it to me.” If they struggle with following the directions in order, then use this as a time to teach them to focus and follow the directions exactly as stated as you work through the list.
Teach your child to have an attitude of gratitude all year long, not just during the Thanksgiving season with this thought-provoking scavenger hunt. Using the theme of gratitude, this indoor scavenger hunt is a blast. As your child searches for items such as something that is soft and snuggly to something that smells amazing, encourage her to thank the Lord for that provision in their life.
Tired But Crafty Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Make learning colors and letter sounds fun with this creative indoor scavenger hunt. Oftentimes, a child will know her ABC’s, but understanding initial sounds is a struggle. With the simple and fun approach of asking your child to find something in the home that begins with “the letter c,” the wheels in her little head begin turning and she does not even realize she is learning.
Most of the hunts on this list are for elementary or preschool-aged children, but with this one you can make tonight a family night! Getting the whole family together to enjoy a unique game, movie, or activity sounds like a fun bonding experience, but it does take some planning and effort. As parents, we often get into the groove of our routine so much that we forget to carve out indoor family time for the sole purpose of enjoying one another’s company. Planning events outside the home can be easy, fun, and rewarding—so can planning an indoor scavenger hunt. It does not have to be long or elaborate, but intentional and planned.
Messy Little Monster Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Does your child like to color? This scavenger hunt is the perfect fit! As each item is found, your child may color the picture of the item on the sheet. To help teach the art of paying close attention to detail, encourage her to color the items on the worksheet the same colors as the ones they find. Or, to reinforce color recognition, tell your child to color each item the color that you say. This will help you see if they truly know the difference between yellow and orange or blue and green.
Simple and Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt
What color is your house? Ask your child to grab that color, print off this cute scavenger hunt, and encourage them to color the house next to each item they find. Want to teach your child the order of the colors of the rainbow? Teach them ROY G. BIV and encourage them to color the houses next to each item in that order.
Paper Trail Design Indoor Scavenger Hunt
“X” marks the spot. When teaching little ones to write, staying within the lines can be a challenge. Teach your child to focus on staying within the boxes as they mark an “x” next to each item they find. Instead of simply crossing of their finds or coloring in the box, use this as a time to focus on drawing the letter “x” neatly within the confines of the boxes.
Fun for Everyone Indoor Scavenger Hunt
From a picture your child made to something oval, this colorful and fun scavenger hunt is fun and easy for kids of all ages. If your kids have friends over and you want to avoid the video game or screen time burnout, print these out for the kids and have them break up into teams.