Making Goals for 2018

Every December I sit down and pray about focusing on a certain character trait or attribute that the Lord would like me to work on for the new year. Last year my word was Faithfulness. It was a tough year in many aspects, but during the storms I could see my faith grow because I was focusing on what I needed to learn through the trials instead of the trials themselves. I do believe that it’s how we look at things that will make the difference. We can choose to grow or wither during the hard times in our lives.
In 2018, I have chosen to focus on a certain theme for our homeschool as well as my personal word for the year. I have been praying about it and I feel God wants us to work on managing our time better in the new year. I feel like we have fallen out of balance in a few areas and I want to get back on track.
Do you struggle with time management? It’s so easy to get into bad habits isn’t it? Sometimes we don’t realize how much time we are wasting until we get into bed at night and look back on our day only to realize we didn’t accomplish what we set out to do.
It is so important to make goals for ourselves and our homeschools. We shouldn’t be frustrated every evening because we didn’t get things done. If we make goals and work towards them as a family, we will be more productive. There will be less conflict and more time for fun and relaxation. If we focus on managing our time better, we won’t be struggling with getting places on time, chores, spending time with our Creator, and other things that we battle because we didn’t stick to our plan for the day. We can’t allow our phones, computer, games, or other distractions to keep us from staying on task. We must be more aware of how we spend those precious minutes of the day.
Remember I used the word balance when I talked about changing our focus? In our planning we must also realize that God may have a better plan for our days here and there. He may need us to reach out to a hurting friend or feed a hungry family. That is where we must stay balanced in our planning. We should never be so rigid in managing our time that we stop listening to the Holy Spirit’s promptings for us to do things God would have us do.
So, how will you spend the time God has given you? What will you be working on in the new year? Pray about it! Allow God to work in your life each day. Be open to what He would like to teach you and stay focused on Him. Let your kids see you being obedient to Him in all you do and say. Make goals for you and your family. It will make a big difference in your homes.
My name is Betty Daley. I am a wife, mother, and homeschooling teacher. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have six children. I have been homeschooling for 20 years. Our older three have graduated The Daley Academy, and we continue to homeschool our younger three. We love sharing about our homeschooling adventures. Our family motto is “Do all to the glory of God”. We pray that we can encourage others as we give you a look into our lives.