Math + = Enjoyable Learning!

The number of math courses offered by continues to increase. Take our course—Stretching Higher with Third Grade Math. This course, designed by Sharon Hudson and Crystal Marcum, builds on the math skills students have previously learned and guides them through new concepts involving multiplication, division, working with money, fractions, decimals, equations, and more. Daily lessons are provided with ample problems for review and practice. Regular quizzes and tests are also included . . . and, don’t worry, answer keys are provided so you don’t have to check every problem yourself. Algebra for Kids may be the logical next step for your elementary students. Created by Bob Hazen, this course teaches important algebraic principles that students as young as first and second grade can learn and retain. It identifies a handful of principles that reveal the unity of mathematics across grades and across topics. Algebra 1, by Allena Lee, is a 36-week course designed for students who have completed pre-algebra and are ready to advance to the next level of math. This course begins with a pre-algebra review and then teaches algebraic expressions, how to solve linear equations, graphing, inequalities, systems of equations, polynomials, factoring, and exponential expressions. It concludes with a final test. Components include lesson text, practice problems, and assignments. Again, answer keys are included, including step-by-step solutions for many problems. Algebra 2, by Heidi Kinney, is a full-year course designed for students who have successfully completed Algebra 1. It includes textbook reading, practice problems, homework, and unit tests. Key vocabulary is highlighted, and study tips are included. An answer key is also included. Students who are interested in taking a different route with their math skills will enjoy Accounting 101 with David A. Shepson, MSA, EA. This high school course is designed to equip students with the mastery of accounting fundamentals they will need in order to be prepared for their college classes while presenting these concepts in easy-to-digest ways. Students will gain an appreciation for the state of the industry and the world of finance as a whole and learn how to operate from a Christian worldview to effect positive change.
Tammie Bairen
A division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine