Molding a Gospel-Centered Writer

Does your child love to write? Are you praying that the Lord uses him as an ambassador for the the kingdom of God? Writing is not somehow superior to other skills but it is such a highly sought after skill that cultures are made or broken through writers. From the screenwriter of the latest Hollywood film to the 9th grade history textbook writer, ideas are birthed and hearts formed by the power of ink and paper.
Dear mama, what if the little girl scribbling stories in her math book margins someday writes a novel, one that so faithfully presents Christ redemption that unbelievers are driven to seek Him? What if your son, with his gift for expressing his passion for science on paper, could bring the hope of God to the spiritually hungry scientific community? These things only happen with a missionary vision: a vision that sees a field white unto the harvest and heeds the call to go.
So what can you do? What makes the difference between a writer seeking her own glory and one who points others to the King of Glory? These thoughts are only a start, but prayerfully, they will encourage you as you watch for opportunities to plant eternal seeds in the heart of your writer.
Root Your Writer In A Biblical Worldview
It is impossible for a writer to divorce her words from her worldview. Like any form of speech, our words reveal the condition of our worldview like our pulse reveals the condition of our heart. Before a writer can hope to change others through his words, he must first be changed by the eternal word of God. The more you immerse your child in Scripture, the more its truth will mold the mind and, thus the words of your child. Scripture also introduces the budding writer to the greatest literary masterpiece ever written. A hundred libraries of classics pale in the brightness and majesty of the King’s writing. If your child will be a disciple among disciples and a writer among writers, she must first love the pure words of God.
Open Your Writers Eyes To The Lost
There are truly only two kinds of people: those who believe in the Son of God and those who do not believe. A missionary spirit sees the unbelieving and, like Jesus, is moved with compassion to bring them the Bread of Life. As a homeschooling parent, you have the power to build this awareness into your writer’s heart. Let him hear your prayers for the lost. When missionaries speak at church, find out where they are ministering, mark the country on your schoolroom map and pray with your child that God gives those missionaries a rich harvest of souls. Witness to your neighbors. In short, become who you want your child to be.
Finally, pray. Pray for God to claim your child’s pen and set it aglow with love for Him. We need laborers, and the writing field is woefully short of obedient disciples who are grounded in the word and who love the lost. May the Lord bless you as you send in reinforcements.
Kenzi Knapp desires to proclaim the reconciliation of Mankind through the blood of Jesus Christ. A homeschool graduate currently enrolled in God’s Great Course of Faith, Kenzi lives with her family on an Ozark homestead. She enjoys writing, biking, playing the piano and mountain ocarina, studying history and encourages young women to build mission-centered businesses at her blog, Honey Rock Hills.