Momma Needs Her Rest

We moms can all agree that when it comes to getting a bit of rest, it’s “easier said than done.” Yet we all need it. And it’s something we have to choose to do. We will never get that rest unless we are intentional about it. We simply have to determine that we will choose rest. In fact this very evening I was talking with a sweet younger sister at church about this very thing. My advice to her? Just stop, take some deep breaths, and rest.
Deep breathing. I read somewhere that those folks who are always so busy and so often totally stressed out take short breaths. According to doctors this is not the healthiest way to live and deeper breathing, using your diaphragm is absolutely the best thing for you.
Do you see that?
We need to rest. We need to take the time to just “be”
Slow down, be ourselves, create, expand our mind a bit and reflect.
Be still. (Isn’t that what we are told again and again in the Bible?)
I have been reading as I seek this rest for myself and my family. There are three books in particlar that I think of when the word rest comes to mind:
Being that I myself am one of those very introverted mommas, I need that rest and that silence to recharge. It’s something that really is needed. And not just for myself but my family too. When I am able to slow down, rest and reflect, it brings a peace and a refreshing that inspires us all.
I know how easy it is to forget about ourselves, but when we end up tired and burnt out, exhausted and stressed out? Certainly we are no longer any good to our family. Gone is that spirit that is eager and happy to serve others. It is okay to take time for ourselves. It really is!
Let us be intentional in making time for our own rest.
Not sure how? Try some of these ideas:
-make sure you get enough sleep (even with that little baby)
-make time to recharge (as an introvert, trust me, this is SO important)
-create a quiet space in your home
-learn to say no (we have to draw those lines)
-schedule times for your online “work” (no excuses gals)
-we know what we “need” to do but let’s take some time for those things we desire to do too!
-limit screen time
-consider grabbing a friend and going for a prayer walk
-enjoy a cup of tea, on your porch swing, or in your rocking chair
-classical music anyone?
We can do this mommas! Let’s determine, together, to enjoy that rest! ♥
Jennifer King My name is Jennifer and I am so glad you’ve come by. I am a child of the King, a work in progress seeking to share and show His love and light in all that I do. I am a homeschool mother of four wonderful, sweet and very busy children. It’s busy in our home – its loud – kind of messy – and very crazy. But we live and love all we can! I am a wife – learning so very much — as I grow an pray with my wonderful husband. Learning the joys of submission, and being the help meet I was designed to be. Striving to live a life as a meek and gentle spirit. And seeking only to share the hope within me, with everyone who seeks an answer. All that I do, could not be, without my Lord and Savior. Peace Be with You all – In Jesus Name!
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