Morning by Morning

Some of you are killing this whole homeschool/organization life. You arrive at every field trip/co-op/trip to the grocery store with your cute thirty-one totes and rolly carts color-coordinated with the names and ages of your children. You manage your day with military precision. Every hour is accounted for, and seldom does a day go by that isn’t full of learning, purpose, and strategy. You know exactly where you have filed that one science lab you pull out every October during pumpkin season. You spent the summer pouring over your curriculum with your favorite planner…armed with sticky notes and washi tape. You meet each day with hope, optimism, and a well-crafted plan of attack.
I am not one of you. Obviously.
If you were hoping to find the magic productivity plan within this post, I apologize right now. I am not the girl to reveal it to you.
At the end of this last year, I created my annual list of goals… aka New Year’s Resolutions.
I really love making lists. I like making lists of chores to do, books to read, recipes to try. My annual list carefully penned in a pretty journal is always well-thought out, prayed over, and generally similar to the year before.
I am consistent, at least, in my list making.
This year, I vowed to become more productive. I was going to take back my mornings. I was going to do all of these marvelous things before 7 a.m. Write beautifully crafted pieces for my blog about life and Jesus and lovely things. My family was going to wake up to a healthy breakfast that would feed their bodies and brains. I was going to spend those quiet hours planning inspired homeschool lessons that would encourage my son’s curiosity. I was also going to spend quality time with Jesus. Me, Jesus, and a hot cup of coffee.
This goal of productivity was going to change my life. I did whatever good homeschool momma does.
I watched every single YouTube video I could find on morning productivity. I not only did my research, but I gathered all the necessary supplies. I ordered some cute journals for those writing sessions and times with Jesus. I picked up a cute mug and stocked up my tea and coffee stash. I even ordered a few extra essential oils that were promised extra vitality.
My plan was to work my efficient magic between 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. Then my son and I would hit the ground running. I would have so much more time for all the cool stuff I wanted to do with him. The science labs! The coding class! We could even do morning poetry!
The first day I set my phone alarm for 4:45 a.m. I don’t remember the alarm going off. I just remember waking up well after 4:45 or even 7:45. Obviously, this was going to take some work. I just knew I could do it. I was going to take back my mornings, and in turn, my days were going to be so productive.
The second day, I got up just fine. Unfortunately, I drifted off to sleep somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00.
Somewhere during week 3 and 4, I realized that maybe I could try and find other ways to be more productive. And really… why in the world was I trying so hard to make it happen between the hours of 5 and 8?
And my son? Morning poetry was proving to be really painful. What was I doing to the boy?
My worries about morning productivity soon gave way to the real issue in my heart. I didn’t feel like I was adequate during this season of our homeschool. I felt lacking. I felt like if I didn’t meet up to the visions I had erected for our homeschool, I was failing.
It has taken me some time, but I have come to a truth that has been freeing.
God has given me exactly what I need.
Practically, we really prefer slow, easy mornings. And productivity is, frankly, in the eye of the beholder.
It’s okay to operate my homeschool within my own gifts and inclinations. I don’t have to do it like all the cool kids. My focus has had to turn back to what God has placed in my hands. And what my goals are for our home and homeschool.
Somewhere along the way, I’ve come to understand that God has always provided me with what I need to homeschool my busy, beautiful boy. And God’s provision and plan is much different than the one I have created in my head. Sure. We need to press through when it gets tough, but it doesn’t mean that the “pressing” has to be tortuous. Or complicated.
Instead of the magic productivity plan you hoped for, I am giving you something else. Permission and encouragement to be exactly who God created you to be. The momma who gets to pour into her kids. The momma who gets to learn beside and with her kids.
A beloved hymn talks about mornings.
“Great is Thy faithfulness!” “Great is Thy faithfulness!”
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
“Great is Thy faithfulness,” Lord, unto me!
And that promise of faithfulness, my friends, is the most productive morning I could ever hope for.
Rebekah Teague is the homeschooling mama to one busy and beautiful boy. She is married to The Muffin who is a pastor and a really great guy. In her spare time she can be found with a book and a cup of tea. She blogs at There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining