The Most Important Subject

Several years ago, my husband and I were convicted of not spending enough time in God’s Word as a family. It wasn’t a vital part of our lives. We would have a Bible class during school, but it wasn’t a priority. It was just another subject that we studied as part of our curriculum.
Our Bible is our instruction manual for how to live a Godly life while we are here on earth. God speaks to us as we read and study His Word. If we do not spend time searching the Scripture, we will not be able to follow the plan that God has laid out for us. In every verse we read, we learn how to act and react to the world around us. It gives us direction and correction when we need it.
We still have our Bible class each day during school and we have our family devotions each evening, but it’s different now. We don’t see these times as a chore; we see them as a time of growing in Christ. We think of these moments as our lifelines. The Word is our spiritual food; we would starve without it.
During our family devotions, we focus on what God has for us. We sing a few worship songs, we pray together, and we read a passage of Scripture. After our reading time, my husband likes to ask our children questions to be sure they were listening and to give them time to express their thoughts on what we just read. They enjoy every minute and we have quality family time!
Our Bible class during school is more focused on learning character qualities that we should exhibit as Christians. We take a couple of qualities each week and really study what they mean and how we can live them out in our day-to-day living. Our children are far from perfect, but we do see daily growth in their ability to respond to temptation and in their capacity to react to negative situations in a Godly way. They still fight their sinful nature, but they are winning the battles more each day.
Our first priority is reading God’s Word; our second priority is memorizing it. We want our children to be able to recall verses that will help them be obedient to the Lord. We try to memorize a few verses each week. The kids love having challenges to see who can memorize the verses faster. Children love a good challenge.
It doesn’t matter how you study the Word or when; all that matters is that you do it! Make it a priority in your home and watch how God brings peace and harmony to your household.
The kids are not the only ones reaping the benefits of studying the Bible and Godly character traits. I feel I have grown in many ways, as well. When you dive into God’s Word consistently, you will see some major changes in your own life. You can’t stay the same because, once these words of wisdom fall on your ears and into your heart, you are forever transformed.
My name is Betty Daley. I am a wife, mother, and homeschooling teacher. I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 24 years and we have six children. I have been homeschooling for 20 years. Our older three have graduated The Daley Academy, and we continue to homeschool our younger three. We love sharing about our homeschooling adventures. Our family motto is “Do all to the glory of God”. We pray that we can encourage others as we give you a look into our lives.