Why Mother’s Day Matters

Dear Mom, back on the 13th of this month the US celebrated Mother’s Day. Maybe you woke up to a breakfast of peanut butter toast and orange juice prepared by your child. Or maybe you received a hand-made card with scribbles on it from your toddler. Maybe, just maybe, you were a little disappointed because you didn’t receive any presents at all… or did you?
Did someone call you Mom? Were your arms required for a hug that day, or did you smootch a boo-boo? Then you received a present beyond words – because you are a Mom!
Too often we get caught up in the false advertising the world does that says we are only truly appreciated when we receive a bouquet of flowers, or a box of chocolates… or a new car -HA! Our families know how much we mean to them, even if they don’t put it into words. Even if no physical box sat next to our plate that Sunday morning.
If you think they don’t notice what you do everyday, just stop doing it for one entire day – trust me, your family will notice! Then they’ll ask you if you’re ill enough to need to go to the doctor. Just because our children don’t always know how to put their feelings into words does not mean they’re not appreciative.
Think about your own Mom. How many times did she brush your hair or wash your uniform? How many times did you cry on her shoulder or run to show her what your drew in art class? How many times have you wished you were as patient with your own children as your mom was with you? A Hundred? Probably more like a thousand – or ten thousand if you’ve got teenagers!
Want to know why Mother’s matter? Because you are God’s gift to your children! God gave them to you (and your husband) to raise because God knew that He could work through your hands to grow them up to love and cherish Him. God knew that those personality traits you have would be just the thing to sharpen those children into adults who would be used for His work someday. God does not expect you to do it by yourself, He wants you to humbly bow your knee in prayer each morning and say “God – lead us, lead me, show me how to reflect your love to my husband and my children. I cannot do this alone.”
Oh Mama, how God longs to gather you up in His loving arms and remind you of how precious it is to be able to parent someone. To share your strength, to share your love, to share your heart.
Mother’s Day matters because it is the one time that the whole world around us realizes how important Moms are to the continuation of the human race.
But mostly, Mother’s Day is important because of whom it celebrates – Moms!
You have been given a priceless gift – the name of Mommy. Wear it well!
Carol Emmert and her husband Kurt are in their 15th year of home education. With one graduate and one high school senior, Carol writes with a practical look at the whole journey of home education. Focusing on experienced based education and frugal ways to teach and learn well, Carol offers encouragement that anyone, even working moms, can homeschool successfully. Carol writes for her local newspaper, the TOS Homeschool Review Crew, and reviews books for several Christian Publishers. You can find her love of nature, field trips, and lifelong learning on her blog: Home Sweet Life.