New Year, Fresh Start

How is your homeschool year going? Are you on a roll, or have you fallen into a slump? Maybe you need a fresh start. A revival. Reviving your homeschool might be just what the doctor ordered. This does not mean your homeschool has completely died with you hovering over a six-foot grave, propped up by shovel, ready to bury the idea completely. A spark remains that simply needs to fanned. It needs a little bit of oxygen. Once given that little “umph,” the spark turns into a raging fire, and nobody needs to know that it almost went out. How can you revive your homeschool at a time of year when the skies are gray and temperatures are cooler? My first suggestion will absolutely surprise you.
Amp Up the Chores
This might sound absolutely nuts, but hear me out. When kids are unable to run freely outside or participate in their usual fall, spring, and summer activities, they have piles of pent-up energy. Oftentimes, it will seem as though children are acting out or misbehaving more in the winter months when in reality, they are just looking for a way to release their energy. By intentionally giving them new responsibilities around the home that require a little muscle, they will have the opportunity to grow their skills and abilities. With a well-established routine and understood expectations, this can be enforced in a simple, practical, and effective way. One example would be to assign one child to clean the baseboards and windowpanes. This chore would require some elbow grease and discipline which you could reward with extra screen time or something your child would enjoy. Not sure how to get your child on board with more chores or chores in general? Incorporate the idea into your homeschool routine by implementing new chores along with lessons from’s Homeschool Home Economics course.
Schedule More Field Trips
Being cooped up indoors during this time of year can be exhausting. Have you seen ads in your inbox or on your social media accounts for getaways to an exotic land yet? For a cruise? Or a cabin in the Smoky Mountains? If not, just wait, you will. Destination resorts know their market, and they know that this is the time of year that moms are getting burnt out and vacations are on their minds. They know that if a mom can book a retreat in an oceanfront resort, she will be able to mentally handle the months leading up to the trip, knowing that she just needs to hang on a few more weeks, and then freedom will come. It is a reality. As homeschooling parents, we often feel trapped. Trapped into a routine. A schedule. The same challenges day in and day out. Why not schedule an affordable field trip monthly until the end of the year or at least until spring? These field trips can be simple, close to home, and not too expensive. Just make sure you plan to have the entire day off to truly give you and your family a true break. Make it fun, memorable, and something you can look forward to.
Try a New Curriculum Completely
If you are considering purchasing a brand-new curriculum for the second semester, then is exactly what you need. For the month of January only, you can purchase a nine-month membership for only $90 during the Fresh Start sale. This gives you complete access to the Ultimate Membership, complete with member bonuses and activities. Your preschooler can attend a Virtual Storytime and Show-and-Tell. Kids of all ages can enter the Virtual Talent Showcase. With your membership, you will receive access to over 400 courses, a video library, unique homeschool articles to encourage parents, and more. The best part about is that it is completely customizable. Even though there are open-and-go options, such as the School Boxes, you can also customize the curriculum to meet your family’s needs. For example, my high schooler already has a math curriculum that he uses, but he still needed to fill science and history. After looking at what he already had under his belt, I was able to find courses that had brand-new concepts that he could work on. There was no reason to work on American History since he completed it last year so I looked through the different High School history options on and found a course on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. It is perfect for him! Each grade level has a variety of courses for each subject so you can select which courses will work best for you. Be sure to purchase a membership before the end of January to take advantage of the unique $90 for nine months deal.