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Welcome to the quarterly edition of the Homeschool Discounts E-Newsletter.
Enjoy great specials every three months. Take a look at the specials designed just for you. Note the expiration dates and don’t miss any of these great bargains.
Want even more discounts? Our members have access to a member discount page packed with bargains all the time! There are many more fantastic deals available to our members who enjoy them every hour of the day, every day of the year.
So join today!
35% Off! The Reading Lesson by Mountcastle Co.
Teach your child to read in 20 easy lessons! The Reading Lesson is an award-winning program for young children. The Reading Lesson is used by homeschooling families around the world! Use code for 35% off your entire purchase: oldschoolhouse2013
Buckle Toys, made for kids who love buckles! All sized for travel and designed to develop fine motor skills, hand/eye coordination and color recognition while providing hours of entertainment for little ones! Receive $5 OFF any Buckle Toy with coupon code: BUCKLEHSM
KidSwitch allows toddlers to operate light switches. This provides valuable independence for both the toddler and parents by eliminating this repetitive task and thereby teaching them to turn a light off and “green” energy saving habits early on.
PRICE: $8.99–10% discount with code “homeschool” and free shipping on 3 pack orders
HomeSchool Office–Regular Price $79, Now $69
HomeSchool Office is software specifically designed to plan, organize, and manage your homeschool strategy from beginning to end. It provides the solid foundation needed to homeschool successfully.
For Discount offer of $69 use code: HOSH2013
Save 20%, PeopleKeys Student Strengths Report
Can your personality affect the way you learn? Absolutely! Use the PeopleKeys Student Strengths Report to explore the connection between your unique personality type and: study habits, motivation, retention, communication, and academic performance.
Until 10/31/13, use promo code “10School13” and save 20%
Free Shipping! Auto Upkeep Homeschool Curriculum Kit!
Have your teens been asking for a fun and practical elective? Homeschool your sons and daughters on basic car care, maintenance, repair and ownership.
Visit here to learn more.
Specifically designed for each model to ensure safety and ease of installation. Customized with safety features and upholstery to meet your needs. Little Passenger Seats, Inc. 800-252-9989
Mention The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine with your online or phone order to receive 5% off
Etiquette Lessons Foundation
Instructor Certification Kit, 20% off. Give students the advantage needed in every social situation with authentic, social skill learning experiences from: Etiquette Lessons, Girls & Boys at the Table, Teens at the Table.
Discount Code: ETIQUETTE20
SAVE 30% on SIGNED Books by Willow Bend Publishing
Award-winning, wholesome, horse stories that educate and entertain for ages 6-13. See why our books have won national awards from both parent AND children’s groups.
Coupon Code is: ILoveReading Expiration Date: October 31, 2013
FREE Portable Walls from the Institute for Excellence in Writing!
Packed with all the Unit Models, word lists, substitutes for “said,” and more, Portable Walls create a helpful writing station at your student’s own desk.
Code: PW2013TOS
Expires 12/3/13
Success Starts with the Basics
“Victus Study Skills System is about developing effective study skills and achieving academic goals . . . ” Cathy Duffy Reviews. Now is the time not only to teach subjects, but also to teach HOW TO STUDY!!
Click Here for 15% Discount
(Expires 10-31-2013)
| October Special–Only $1!
For October the first month is $1 and the annual membership is $99. New members in October get two free print issues.
Watch your inbox for terrific deals with significant savings for all your home education needs every quarter.