One Thing Homeschool Moms Can Do

Not too long ago, I saw a friend on Facebook post a challenge. She is a fellow pastor’s wife who has faced some pretty significant issues in her life. Her challenge was to pick a habit to focus on for 30 days. At least, I think it was 30 days.
I have participated in challenges before. To be honest, I am not that successful. I wouldn’t go so far as to diagnose myself as ADD. But I do have a bad case of over-commitment.
Anyone else like that?
The problem is that in this season of my life, I can’t afford to over-commit. I tend to overwhelm my life with bigger and bigger projects.
I have long been the advocate-in-chief for Homeschool Mommas Taking Care of Themselves. This is probably because I have done such a poor job of taking care of myself and have suffered real consequences.
Don’t you just wish it were easier? Homeschooling, combined with motherhood, is a mixed bag. It can be highly rewarded yet highly frustrating. Throw in a world-wide pandemic, and you have a really big mess.
And then there is the guilt. Are the kids learning enough? How do I know if they are learning enough? Should I turn this trip to the Post Office into an impromptu field trip? Why am I turning this impromptu trip to the Post Office into a field trip?
There is always the question for the ages. What’s for supper? And how many times can we have frozen pizza for supper this week?
Now, more than ever, you belong to a tribe that has grown leaps and bounds. Homeschooling now appeals to a whole lot of folks for a variety of reasons. You are not alone.
The truth is that any veteran homeschooling mom will tell you that, yes, it will get better. There will be some really hard days. But every one of those hard days is worth it.
Those same veteran homeschool moms will tell you that you need to take care of yourself. And you need to find ways to encourage yourself.
Dearest. It is that important.
Here is where the challenge comes in. For the next 30 days, pick ONE thing to do that is going to encourage you. Maybe it is something you need to do for your health. Maybe you need to develop a homeschool planning habit. Maybe you need to work on adding joy to your homeschool day.
There is always ONE thing we can do.
Let’s say you need an attitude adjustment. (Sorry…we’ve all been there.) Take each day to reflect on the GOOD THINGS that have happened. Start with ONE thing. There might be only ONE thing some days. Write it down. Record it. Rejoice in that ONE thing.
You might add a walk to your day. Or a long hot bath. Or more water. Or poetry. Or praise.
The point is to develop and nurture the good things. And the GOD things in your life. That ONE thing might make all the difference.
Rebekah Teague is the homeschooling mama to one busy and beautiful boy. She is married to The Muffin who is a pastor and a really great guy. In her spare time she can be found with a book and a cup of tea. She blogs at There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining.