What’s the best advice for choosing homeschool curriculum among the endless options available today? You build your children’s memories of school days with your curriculum choices, so you naturally seek the best. Selecting just the right products to meet your family’s unique needs may feel overwhelming, but there is help! Here are a few ideas

Daily Lesson Plans

When I think about plans for the new school year, my mind goes to a daily lesson planner. There are other things you will think of as well, but some important things you will need to consider are I’m going to focus, though, on a daily lesson planner for the school year. In a basic
Hey Mama, Today you may have awakened with a sense of dread. All too common, especially these last few weeks, right? The enemy is ever-ready and alert, poised to steal our joy, interrupt our thoughts (or prayers), and get our minds off Christ. That old Devil’s primary job is to lie—to make things seem worse

Tackling the Portfolio Chaos

Neat piles of paper. Everything perfectly alphabetized. I once went into a bead store that had everything perfectly organized in rows, sorted by every color. Oh, it was heaven. Honestly…though…that isn’t me. At least, my mind does not naturally work in a way that can keep everything in order in a way that really makes